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Jose Antonio F. Ramires

Jose Antonio F. Ramires

Head Professor of Cardiology
Heart Institute (InCor)


Jose Antonio F. Ramires, MD, PhD has completed his PhD at the age of 28 years from University of São Paulo Medical School, Brasil and postdoctoral studies from the same University. He was the Scientific Director, Learn Director and General Director of the Instituto do Coração-INCOR (Heart Institute) of the University of São Paulo. Actually, he is Head Professor of Cardiology of the Instituto do Coração-INCOR and coordinator of medical graduate of the INCOR. Dr. Ramires was President of the São Paulo State Cardiology Society, Brazilian Society of Cardiology and Brazilian Heart Foundation (FUNCOR) and Vice-President of the InterAmerican Cardiology Society. During five years (2005-2010) was President of the Professors and Researchers Evaluation Committee of the University of São Paulo. He has published more than 498 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an editorial board member of repute. (Pubmed: Ramires J)

Research Interest

Cardiology, Hypertension